The Baton Rouge Clinic celebrates 70 years of service to the community


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APPROXIMATELY 70 YEARS ago, four doctors bucked the then-orthodox methods of delivering health care to the community by forming a multispecialty group practice. Seven decades later, the Baton Rouge Clinic is not only still here but also substantially larger, with over 100 current physicians and more to join this summer. The Clinic’s growth has paralleled the growth of Baton Rouge, helping to create a major metropolitan medical center known for excellent care.

The Baton Rouge Clinic was formed out of discussions during World War II by Drs. Cheney Joseph, Gerald Joseph, Joe Sabatier and Mortimer Silvey. The Clinic’s original office was a small space above The Pig & Whistle Restaurant, located on Plank Road. The Clinic is now located at 7373 Perkins Road, in a 170,000-square-foot building, along with an Urgent Care Center and a satellite office in New Roads. The Clinic provides services in internal medicine, pediatrics, allergy, bariatric surgery, breast surgery, dermatology, endocrinology, ENT, gastroenterology, general surgery, neurology, optometry, pediatric neurology, pulmonology, rheumatology, urology, and vascular surgery. The Clinic has a full-service, accredited laboratory and radiology department, along with accredited echocardiography and vascular laboratory services.

Through the years, the Clinic has achieved numerous recognitions and awards for excellence while continuing to focus on quality patient outcomes. With over 250,000 patients and growing, patient satisfaction scores have remained above 97%—significantly higher than regional and national benchmarks, exemplifying a patient-centered, value-based approach to health care. Focusing on HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data & Information Set) outcomes, the Clinic has reached high benchmarks for colorectal cancer screening, breast cancer screening, high-risk medication monitoring, cholesterol control and diabetes management.
The Clinic has also received national recognition for hypertension control, reaching the 76% success rate in the American Medical Group Foundation’s Measure Up, Pressure Down initiative. This effort put the Clinic in the top quarter of the country. The Clinic also continues to maintain the NCQA recognition for diabetic control, along with having an ADA (American Diabetes Association) accredited Diabetic Education Center. In 2015, the Clinic received NCQA recognition for the delivery of quality cardiovascular and stroke care. The Clinic was again named a Better-Performing Practice by the MGMA and has been one for almost 20 years, since the program’s inception in 1997.

The Baton Rouge Clinic participates in an accountable care organization with Blue Cross-Blue Shield and Cigna. In both programs, the Clinic had higher quality and lower cost outcomes. The BCBS Quality Blue Program recognized the Clinic as one of the best overall performers in the state. The Clinic also participates with Humana in its model Medicare Advantage Program, also achieving excellent outcomes. In the last quarter of 2015, the Clinic achieved a perfect score on Humana’s quality program. This national achievement has only been accomplished a few times and only by smaller organizations.

The Clinic’s motto, “Caring for Generations,” is very appropriate. “In this day and age, you can’t simply practice medicine,” says Clinic CEO Ed Silvey. “You must have an impact on the community. And in our 70 years here, we feel we have touched the lives of thousands.”

Besides being an innovative, collaborative leader in transforming the health care delivery system, the Clinic continues to give back to the community through St. Vincent de Paul’s Fill a Prescription Campaign, Pat’s Coats for Kids and the Feed a Family Campaign, to name a few. 

Though the field of health care is rapidly changing, one focus has always been sacred at the Clinic: the doctor-patient relationship. The late Dr. Sabatier stated, “Our goal was and remains to provide the utmost best of care to our patients. We love medicine, and we are a hard-working outfit.”

Clinic President Dr. Mark Hodges and CEO Silvey, son of founder Dr. Mortimer Silvey, state that 70 years later, the goal and culture remain the same. Thanks to the dreams and dedication of its founders and its many other physicians and employees through the years, the Baton Rouge Clinic has grown from modest beginnings into a full-service regional health care provider of the 21st century.  

The Baton Rouge Clinic 225.769.4044 |





Don Kadair

Baton Rouge Business Report
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